ARC2000 is dedicated PC programming software for the AOR SR2000(A) frequency monitor.
- ARC2000 is compatible with the AOR SR2000 SR2000A model
- Radioreference.com Conventional frequencies import option
- Paste Frequencies DIRECTLY from any website using WebCatcher or 'Paste Special'
- Setup channels in an easy, spreadsheet type interface.
- Setup the 40 search ranges in an easy, spreadsheet type interface.
- Store Unlimited number of configurations on your harddisk.
- Copy/Move/Swap memory banks / memory channels
- Compatible with Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
- Easy cut/copy/paste data between channels and anks.
- Move channels up and down with quick move buttons
- Enhanced Import/Export CSV data
- Fill down/series option
- Full clipboard support for import/export data to/from other applications
- Easy data toggle with mouse double click or space bar or keyboard shortcuts
- Sort frequencies per bank
- Free limited updates
- Supports usb/comports 1-99
- Remove duplicate frequencies
- Print option
- Export to HTML